Monday, October 28, 2013

The Joseph Family - Calgary Family Portrait Photography

I had the great pleasure of meeting this family a couple weeks ago and knew immediately that this was going to be an amazing family portrait session! We met at Edworthy Park, where I have been many times before, and was pleasantly surprised when this family took me to a totally new area that I had never been to before.  It was gorgeous!! (We really do have a lot of hidden gems in Calgary if you take the time to go exploring)

Needless to say, we ended up with some really great pictures.  The colors were vibrant, everyone was having a great time, and we even managed to get the family pet in a few of the pictures as well.  I am so lucky to meet so many wonderful people who trust me to capture the story of their family in photos.

Please enjoy their photos and the snippet of their 'story' that we captured this day!
Em :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Beautiful Baby 'L' Newborn Session - Calgary Newborn Photography

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice... :)

A few weeks ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph this darling little girl and her family.  She is such a sweetheart and such a calm baby.  We played around with a variety of different backdrops and poses and she didn't fuss at all!

Both her parents are teachers, so I thought the apple outfit and accessories would be especially cute! She really is the cutest little apple in the bunch. :)

Em :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Back to School" Kindergarten Session - Calgary Children's Portrait Photography

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." - B.B. King

Remember those first days of school? When you were so excited to embark on this new strange adventure, in that really, really big building...with all those people?

Well, this little one was definitely excited! And I am pretty sure that neither the size of the building, nor the amount of people inside it, was going to affect her in the least.  This little girl was off to Kindergarten!  She was finally amongst the group of people going back to school. :)

I have had the pleasure of photographing this little sweetheart before, and she is just a natural in front of the camera. She is smart. She is witty.  She is sweet.  This was a really fun session, and I'm so happy to have been able to capture some of the positive energy and enthusiasm that this darling little girl has for starting school.

Have a great first year of school and enjoy the adventure, this year and for the remaining years to come!

-Em :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Porterfield Family - Calgary Family Photography

I have to tell you, I smiled the entire time I was working on this session.  From the actual photo shoot itself, to the time spent editing this adorable family's pictures, I could not help but catch myself with a huge smile on my face.
That's because every single image that I captured on this shoot was full of giggles, laughter and love - and maybe the occasional smidgen of silliness thrown in for good measure. AND at the end of our session, we had a moose walk through right behind us! A Moose?!? Pretty unbelievable, but I've got a picture to prove it. :)
What a beautiful and fun loving family this is, and it shows in every single picture. I hope you enjoy and smile as much as I did.

-Em :)