Sunday, May 18, 2014

Welcome Baby Rian

 "Like star dust glistening on fairies' wings, Little girls dreams are of magical things." - Sherry Larson

What an absolutely beautiful baby girl! So tiny and so sweet! Her family is so happy that she has joined them and they totally, completely 100% adore her. She was a gem during her very first photo session. She stretched, she yawned, she smiled. And she slept like a princess.  Shilo & Eric, what a blessing you have. Thank you for letting me meet your darling little girl at 9 days old.
Much Love,
Em :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Birthday Buddies Photo Session

I've photographed this trio before, and every time it just gets better and better.  We have so much fun, and these three are particularly special to me because we share a birthday and get to celebrate by taking their photos every year around that time. As they've grown they have become much more mobile, which indeed, makes for a high energy photo session.  But as they have gotten older, they also have begun to show way more of their individual personalities. I LOVE that!! I think you'll see what I mean when you look at their pictures.
Cory and Shelley, you are amazing parents, and I thank you for letting me share in the birthday joy every year!
Much love,